He also told people not to take their vacations there.
This led to the local economy plummetting even more than it already had.
Then he did it again !
His GSA partied in Vegas and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on gifts, spas and parties.
For years we were told that no matter what hour of the day or night, the President would be awakened if there was a major crisis involving Americans or American interests around the world.
But what did O'buma do ?
He slept right through it after having a " tough day " and partying with his supporters and comparing his political supporters to our brave diplomats who were billed killed after our ambassador was raped first.
As his idiot ambassador to Egypt would not let our Marines carry live ammo, so they could protect our embassy in Cairo.
What in the hell is that about ?
Ronald Reagan didn't sleep.
When Libyan funded terrorists attacked and killed our soldiers and sailors in a Berlin nightclub, HE acted.
He bombed the hell of Quadaffi's palace and scared the crap out of the guy so much that he renounced his funding of terrorism.
This guy is a pathetic joke.
It is definitely time for a change.